Tuesday, April 27, 2010

curious tuesday 4.27.10

Curious Tuesdays is a new meme from Gala Darling.  Here are my answers:
  1. What is the strangest compliment you’ve ever received? Well I don't know if it would exactly be a compliment but someone told me when I was little that I look like their sister that passed away.
  2. What’s your little-known talent?  I can type and look at someone at the same time while having a completely different conversation.
  3. What do you obsessively search for on eBay? Makeup and Hair-falls.
  4. When you were a child, who did you worship & want to be like? Wow what a horrible memory I have of my childhood.  I actually have no idea. The only think that really stands out in my head is She-rah.
  5. What was your palate band? Otherwise known as the first band you heard that made you realize the world of music was larger than whatever the Top 20 singles were! It would have to be New Kids on the Block. 


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